Refreshing your digital marketing approach

 You may be aware of the wise advice that to achieve the best outcomes, you should work on your business, not just in it.

However, the reality is that some important but non-urgent tasks usually sink to the bottom of the to-do list. This includes maintaining an effective online presence - an essential part of a modern marketing approach.

Overall strategy

If you have been flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to digital marketing, putting together a solid plan can help make sure you are directing your efforts in the most effective ways. Take stock of:

  • the marketing tactics you are currently using 
  • all the platforms your business owns or manages (for example, your website, social media accounts and email marketing channels).

       Next, note down:

  • Are there some channels that seem to work better than others (keeping in mind that capturing immediate sales is just one goal of marketing)?
  • Does every platform you are using present your brand in a consistent way?
  • Is any of the information out of date, particularly on your website or in the ‘about’ sections of your social media accounts?
  • Are there any opportunities you are missing, such as the ability to sell online?
  • Then, take a closer look at each active channel you are using.

